Russian Tobacco Factory

Cut rolled stems tobacco (CRS)

production of raw tobacco

Cut Rolled Stems
Laboratory tests indicate that the content of 30% rolled stem in a tobacco blend can reduce the level of nicotine from 1.6 to 1.2 mg / cig and tar from 35 to 15 mg / cig.
Efficient use of raw materials
The main secondary product in the processing of raw tobacco is the central stem, which accounts for up to 25% of the weight of the tobacco leaf. In terms of chemical composition, the central stem is similar to tobacco leaf, with the exception of the nicotine content, which is about 25% of the content in the leaf blade. Meanwhile, the relatively large diameter and solid mechanical properties do not allow the tobacco stem to be used in its original form for the manufacture of quality cigarettes.

During the preliminary processing of raw tobacco, the central stem is separated from the leaf plate. The sheet plate is cut and composes 60-80% of the volume in the cigarette rod. The tobacco stem was not utilized until the middle of the last century, since it was not suitable for the production of cigarettes. Nevertheless, the stems make up a significant part of the tobacco leaf and contain tar, nicotine and other components inherent in tobacco, so in the past significant efforts were made to master this material, which in the 1970s led to the emergence of the cut rolled stem, (CRS).

Currently, processed tobacco stems, in particular, rolled stems, not only solve the problem of rational use of raw materials, but also are one of the main means of reducing the level of harmful substances (tar, nicotine) in the production of cigarettes. Tasting evaluation of cigarettes which include rolled stem in the course of laboratory experiments, shows the possibility of using it in a blend in an amount of up to 20%. Today, when selecting a rolled stem with a neutral taste, its amount in the volume of a cigarette rod can be brought up to 30% without negatively affecting the taste characteristics of the blend.
advantages of cut rolled stems
High demand for light cigarettes. Today, it is almost impossible to create light, and even more so, ultralight cigarettes without processed tobacco stem products.
The control of safety indicators (the content of tar and nicotine in the smoke of a cigarette) of tobacco products is achieved by changing the amount of rolled stems introduced into the composition of the blends. Tobacco by-products allow to fully preserve the taste of each particular blend with a reduced content of tar and nicotine.
High filling capacity: reducing the weight of the cigarette due to the high volume-elastic properties of the rolled stem compared to cut leaf tobacco. The filling capacity when using a rolled stem is 35% higher than that of a cut tobacco leaf.
Reducing the cost due to the maximum saving of raw tobacco. Reducing the content of leaf tobacco in the blend makes cigarette production cheaper. The weight of the leaf tobacco in the cigarette can be reduced by about 0.5% for each percent of rolled stem added.
Maintaining the desired mass of tobacco in the cigarette. Maintaining the optimal quality of tobacco products due to the high technological properties of the rolled stem.
Maintaining the structure of the blend. Thanks to the "filamentary" fibers of the rolled stem, a better retention of the smaller components of the blend is achieved, preventing the negative phenomenon of cigarette crumbling. There is a possibility of using cheaper raw materials like folio or scrap in a blend that includes rolled stem (CRS).
Characteristics of Cut Rolled Stems
  • Average fiber thickness - 0.1-0.2 mm
  • Average cutting thickness - 0.1-0.2 mm
  • Average cross-sectional area - 0.12-0.15 mm²
  • Average fiber length - up to 50 mm
  • Moisture - 11.5-13.5%
  • Color - from light brown to dark brown
  • Smell - pronounced tobacco
  • Shelf life - 12 months
  • Type of packaging - corrugated C-48 box with a polyethylene liner
Characteristics of Cut Rolled Stems
  • Average fiber thickness - 0.1-0.2 mm
  • Average cutting thickness - 0.1-0.2 mm
  • Average cross-sectional area - 0.12-0.15 mm²
  • Average fiber length - up to 50 mm
  • Moisture - 11.5-13.5%
  • Color - from light brown to dark brown
  • Smell - pronounced tobacco
  • Shelf life - 12 months
  • Type of packaging - corrugated C-48 box with a polyethylene liner
Technology features
The economic effect is achieved by reducing the amount of the expensive tobacco leaf
The basis of the recipe for the production of rolled tobacco stem is the central part of the tobacco leaf of the Virginia and Burley varieties. When processing large-leaf tobaccos, the middle stems are separated from the tobacco leaves. These parts of the leaves are separated from the general tobacco flow and are moved into the production line for the rolled stems.

A line for processing tobacco stems usually includes: a steaming unit, in which the stems are steamed to a moisture content of 45%, a storage device, a rolling machine, a tobacco cutting machine and a drum for drying cut tobacco stems.

Before being transported to the processing line, the stem boxes are subject to a primary visual inspection and, if defects are found, the box is replaced.

The presence of foreign bodies (6), such as small stones and metal objects (2), in the separator's processing line ensures a high purity of the final product.

After separation (2), the stem is fed into the conditioner (3), where it is processed with hot water and compressed steam to a humidity of 50 ± 10% at a temperature of 65-85 С. The air conditioner uses drinkable water. Intensive moisture gives the stem the elasticity required for cutting and minimizes the formation of tobacco dust in the technological process.

The moistened and heated stem enters the mixer silo (4). Layer-by-layer arrangement of stems along the length of the mixer tape ensures uniform varietal mixing. Keeping the veins in the silo-mixer until the ambient temperature is reached and the moisture within the stem structure is evenly distributed is an important condition for ensuring the quality of the finished product.
After maturing, the mixture of stems is fed by a system of conveyors into the rolling machine (5), which consists of two rolling shafts with a gap of no more than 0.2 mm. On a rolling machine, the stems are rolled out to the thickness of the fabric of sheet plate. At the stage of rolling, the cell wall of the tobacco stem is stretched, which improves further technological application.

Before the cutting process, the next removal of metal inclusions (6) takes place, which ensures the stability of the operation of the Hauni tobacco cutting machine (8). As a result of the process of cutting rolled stem with a step of 0.1-0.2 mm, a fibrous mass is obtained.

At the pre-finishing stage, the resulting mass is treated with hot air (9) at a temperature of 250-300 C up to a moisture level of no more than 15 %. Due to the instantaneous evaporation of moisture under the influence of high temperature, the rolled stem "twists" and, as a result, an increase in the volumetric elastic properties of the final product is achieved. Air separation (10) is an important stage that allows to get rolled stem of ideal quality at the end.

The finished product is placed on the conveyor of the packaging line (11), it is packaged into C-48 boxes, before the final weighing on strain gauge scales and securing with packing tape.

All technological equipment for the production of rolled stems is controlled by an automated system and forms a single automatic technical line with continuous control of temperature, humidity and cutting parameters. Manual operations are performed only when loading raw materials and during packaging.
Cut rolled stems are an ideal raw tobacco material as a component of tobacco blends:
  • Low cost. Due to the low cost of the production process.
  • High quality of raw materials.The best are selected from a variety of suppliers of tobacco stems. Guaranteed supply volumes all year and stability of the quality of raw tobacco materials.
  • Product quality.The production process of cut rolled stems is fully automated.
  • Certified production. A number of production management systems have been implemented: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001.
The use of rolled stem is considered one of the main ways of reducing the harmfulness of tobacco products and reducing the weight of a cigarette.

Without creating a negative aftertaste even with a 30% content in a cigarette, rolled stem can also be used as a means to reduce the standard amount of tar and nicotine. Even with a neutral taste, this product is able to regulate the characteristics of the tobacco blend, such as the burning rate, organoleptic properties, moisture, nicotine and sugar.

Russian Tobacco Factory maintains very strict quality control standards in the production of raw tobacco, storage and logistics.